Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Myra Hindley?

Musings are a bit lacking on this blog of late. I used to muse a lot - but at present I'm rather too busy! However I did think about something the other day. I was reading in the newspaper about Jade and her marriage and her illness. It amazes me that just a short time ago this girl was villified and harangued in the press for being a racist - (marked down as some kind of she-devil...I know she did wrong but she's not exactly Myra Hindley is she?) but now because she's ill (which is extremely unfortunate) she has become some kind of national hero. I wonder if the people who write column inches actually believe what they write - or do they just write it because it will sell the papers? .......Don't bother to answer that because I think I know the answer!

Yesterday I read about how she had matured - and the story of her relationship with Jack Tweedy - which sounds tumultuous to say the least.

It just amuses me that the papers change their minds as often as I change my undies.

One good thing that has come out of this is that perhaps we women will take smear tests a bit more seriously and go for them when they are due - or even ask for them more often than once every three years...if she had been tested three years ago - her illness wouldn't have shown up - and so the test would have been pointless. Perhaps an annual test is a better way?


  1. I agree with you totally and to make a point I am sticking to my original beliefs that she is a total waste of blood, bones and air. If she was not ill she should have been shot.

    As Victoria says though, it is the children who you have to feel for as they will grow up without a mummy which is a terrible thing. However, what hope has any child got with a mother like Jade Goodie?

    As for her marriage, I can't believe the little scrote she married is under curfew for assaulting someone with a golf club and our tosser home office released him from it so they could be together on their wedding night! I'm sure there are many other people in similar situations who would love such a reprieve!

    Also, if you husband to be is up for assault with a golf club do you really want to be marrying him? Is he the sort of influence you want on your kids? Personally I don't think the marriage will last long. ;-)

    Finally, why does his curfew make him stay at his mothers? Should they not be living together? How old is he? 7?

    Anyway, I still hate Jade Goodie.

    I'm so annoyed by her I might go off and write my own post about the subject now.

  2. I agree with you totally and to make a point I am sticking to my original beliefs that she is a total waste of blood, bones and air. If she was not ill she should have been shot.

    As Victoria says though, it is the children who you have to feel for as they will grow up without a mummy which is a terrible thing. However, what hope has any child got with a mother like Jade Goodie?

    As for her marriage, I can't believe the little scrote she married is under curfew for assaulting someone with a golf club and our tosser home office released him from it so they could be together on their wedding night! I'm sure there are many other people in similar situations who would love such a reprieve!

    Also, if you husband to be is up for assault with a golf club do you really want to be marrying him? Is he the sort of influence you want on your kids? Personally I don't think the marriage will last long. ;-)

    Finally, why does his curfew make him stay at his mothers? Should they not be living together? How old is he? 7?

    Anyway, I still hate Jade Goodie.

    I'm so annoyed by her I might go off and write my own post about the subject now.


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