Tuesday, 24 February 2009

It's a wonderful life!

More news on the domestic Goddess front. Things are going well with the POSELQ. We had a very nice weekend. He's now away for a few days - so I've turned my hand to finishing my unpacking. Clearly I've had to make space.......more trips to the tip with empty cardboard boxes. 

Then - as you are trying to make space - you come across clutter. But it's not my clutter - so I can't just chuck it away - or move it around. Using logic and common sense - things that aren't used very often can be placed in the garage - ah - but the garage is full of other 'stuff'. So therefore we are half way through putting things away - then there is a necessity to organise the garage...and so it goes on!!!

Today the cleaning lady is due. She may be upset as I have placed one of the vacuum cleaners in the garage - I don't think an 'upstairs' vac and a 'downstairs' vac are necessary - do you? She won't be able to do much today as there is still unpacking everywhere. Obviously I don't want to upset her - but I've also moved the 'Bleach bottle and rubber gloves' from the two upstairs bathrooms and the downstairs loo. They now live under the sink and can be taken to where they are needed and then put away again when finished!!! I also need to chat with her about her job title - 'cleaning lady' would dictate that you do some cleaning? Maybe 'cleaning lady' means something different in Oxfordshire - maybe it means - 'she who moves dust around'. 'Im indoors thinks that she doesn't have enough time to do things properly!!! Personally I think that she just faffs about! I used to be a cleaning lady myself - so I kind of know what I'm talking about - what with that and the Army training - I am a bit of a clean freak!!!!

So - what with the clutter - and the Cleaning lady that doesn't clean - and the trips to the tip with even more cardboard boxes - and the tidying of the garage - and the finding room for all my stuff - and the still-undecided issue of the speakers...things are very busy!!!!

I must point out that I am very happy in my new life...I've just read back what I've written and it reads like a bit of  a moan!!!

Oh yes - and this weekend I am being taken to Geneva for three days!!! How lovely!!


  1. There are two nice restaurants in Geneva. The best one was called Rive Gauche in the town centre (not that u can get lost - its not very big!). I'll see if i can find the address for u if u r interested. Lisa xx

  2. There are two nice restaurants in Geneva. The best one was called Rive Gauche in the town centre (not that u can get lost - its not very big!). I'll see if i can find the address for u if u r interested. Lisa xx


Beautiful New life