Today I went to the hospital. Nothing seriously wrong..but had some high blood pressure issues a few weeks ago and the doctor sent off some blood tests and asked me to go for an ECG. So..there I am laying on a table in just my bra (lovely) with little stickers attached to wires all over me...having my heart beat analysed. At first the machine couldn't pick anything up (I told you I was ill)...but eventually the data was collected and has now been sent off for analysis - and the results will be with my Doctor in about a week.
The ladies who dealt with me were lovely and we had quite a giggle. I just hope I'm still here for Christmas :)
...and thankyou to the lovely Fifi who came with me to hold my hand (and my handbag). X
Not sure how I missed this- my Google reader's playing up- but hope the results are showing that all is well x