Wednesday, 6 May 2009

A few feet away....

I've just had a read at last year's blog entries for the month of May. I was unhappy at work and unhappy at home. Some things cheered me up - like a family trip to Spain and buying a new Camera (I really did need to get out more!) but on the whole it wasn't a good time for me. How interesting then how things can change in just a year.

I'm living in a different place - living with a man who is absolutely lovely (he must be mad to put up with me and all my weird foibles) being taken care of, relaxing and being a domestic goddess, and quite frankly enjoying the perfect life. No worries about anything really. I have my horse, my dog and a wonderful home. 

So - the moral of this little tale is - never give up because you have no idea just what is around the next corner. Happiness could just be waiting for you a few feet away.......... I am a very lucky, happy girl :)

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Beautiful New life