Thursday, 21 June 2007

Learning New skills

When I bought my Apple Computer I also signed up for 60 hours of tuition - seeing as Christian, who I usually ask about all things computing, would probably get really fed up of me ringing him and is probably not as brilliant on an Apple as he is on a PC.

I had my first hour yesterday morning, and learned loads. Obviously there are loads of short cuts etc that I would never find on my own, an I also needed a programme to replace Microsoft Money as that's not available for Apple (neither is Quicken - although it used to be!).

Anyway the more I learn about this computer, the more like it - it's just so logical (Mr Spock)! It works in just the way you think it should. I'm very impressed so far. - oh yes, the trainer was quite young and good looking too!!!


  1. Firstly, how DARE you say I am not as good on a mac as on a PC!! :-)

    Secondly there is no decent personal finance package for the Mac. A collegue of mine has been looking for years for a Money replacement.

    Thirdly, if your tutor is teaching you about a Mac he probably smells of wee and has a dodgy beard!

    So, now I am going to add you to the 'sucks to be you' group on Facebook as you will never find a Money replacement for the Mac.

  2. Firstly, how DARE you say I am not as good on a mac as on a PC!! :-)

    Secondly there is no decent personal finance package for the Mac. A collegue of mine has been looking for years for a Money replacement.

    Thirdly, if your tutor is teaching you about a Mac he probably smells of wee and has a dodgy beard!

    So, now I am going to add you to the 'sucks to be you' group on Facebook as you will never find a Money replacement for the Mac.

  3. Christian mate - you didn't even know how to do 'right click' on a mac - you thought it didn't have right click until I put you wise!!!

  4. Christian mate - you didn't even know how to do 'right click' on a mac - you thought it didn't have right click until I put you wise!!!


Beautiful New life