Thursday, 7 June 2007

Nice Pink Rosette

Tonight we chose Dressage over Jools Holland. I'm glad we did as Dan and Bugsy came 4th and have got a very nice pink rosette for their trouble. Also today she has managed to talk herself into a job for the summer on an eventing yard in Gloucestershire. That means she'll be leaving home straight after her 'A' levels finish and won't be back until the last week in September - and then it's only a few days until she starts University....GULP.....I am sooooo going to miss her.


  1. You chose some crappy competition over going to see Jools Holland and only came 4th!!

    Madness I tell you!!!!

  2. You chose some crappy competition over going to see Jools Holland and only came 4th!!

    Madness I tell you!!!!


Beautiful New life