Monday, 4 June 2007

Tip Toes

Dan has got a new boy-friend. He's not a 'boyfriend' yet because so far they've only been to the movies once. Right now he's here in the main lounge with her watching a DVD. I want to go through to say 'goodnight' because it's my bed time - but I daren't in case I catch them mid-snog. I'm not sure where he lives and how he's getting home. Manners dictate that I should offer him a lift home, but I don't know if she's planning to take him home or what?! When he arrived he shook my hand and said what a pleasure it was to meet me!!! I do like these public school boys - so polite!!! I shall have to go through on tip toes and do a reccy.

Sometimes it's very difficult being the mother of a teenage girl.


  1. The old 'polite routine'. Ah yes, I remember it well.

    Lull the parents into a false sense of security and then the moment their back is turned you are rattling their daughter!!

    A classic!

  2. The old 'polite routine'. Ah yes, I remember it well.

    Lull the parents into a false sense of security and then the moment their back is turned you are rattling their daughter!!

    A classic!

  3. Christian...this will happen to you one day with Alice - so now you may be laughing....but your time will come!!!

  4. Christian...this will happen to you one day with Alice - so now you may be laughing....but your time will come!!!


Beautiful New life