Sunday, 29 January 2012

Young couple

Yesterday I was teaching. At the Pool. Doing what we call a 'Discover Scuba Diving' experience. It is exactly what it says on the tin. Not too difficult...not too hazardous..and can be lots of fun. I really like it when the student 'gets it' and loves it and wants to go on and do more.

Yesterday I had a lovely young couple who are engaged to be wed - and wanted to see if Scuba diving was something they could do on honeymoon. (Probably when they're bored of shagging).

The guy was great - got it straight away - and had a huge grin on his face. My work here is done. His fiancee was a whole other matter. She didn't want to be there...had a face like a smacked arse....wouldn't carry her kit (which is heavy) and made hapless boyfriend carry it for her...and did nothing but moan and whinge for the entire two hours. Oh it did make me cross.

So here's a few words of advice for you dear. Try popping a smile on your face. Your husband to be won't be around for too long if you're always mardy. If you don't join in things with a willing heart and a joyous attitude - he'll be running off with somebody altogether more smiley!

I wonder how they'll get on?

(Editor's note - these words of advice were very well thought out by a woman who has managed to lose 3 husbands!!)

1 comment:

  1. Err- maybe they should have thought of an activity that they could both enjoy? (says the woman who has never made it up the aisle at all!)


Beautiful New life