Saturday, 22 September 2007

Somebody really important is coming home today!

This morning my baby's coming home. She's coming back to get all her 'stuff' sorted out before starting Uni on Monday. Oh yes, she also needs to get the wing mirror fixed on her car, somebody drove too close to her and broke it - but it wasn't her fault - really!!! No doubt she'll want to go shopping with me and my plastic, and then spend some time at the stables with all her friends. She was really sad on the 'phone last night as she doesn't want to leave Bruce's yard where she's worked for the last three months. I told her that she'll make the best friends ever at Uni and have the time of her life, but like me, she finds change really hard. I've really missed her and can't wait to have her home for the next couple of days.

A big parcel arrived yesterday and I got quite excited thinking it was crammed full of birthday gifts for me, but alas - no it was addressed to Dan :( .....apparently it's a new toaster for her room at Uni - at least I know she won't starve!!


  1. A big parcel? How big is the toaster?! Enjoy a very lovely weekend. And Happy Birthday for Sunday xxx

  2. A big parcel? How big is the toaster?! Enjoy a very lovely weekend. And Happy Birthday for Sunday xxx


Beautiful New life