Saturday, 13 May 2006

Proud Mum

Just a quick note to tell you that I'm very proud as Dan has been elected to be a prefect at school. She had to be interviewed and prepare a presentation as to why she would make a good role model and leader. She's got a very nice navy blue enamel badge which is shield shaped and has a silver letter "P" in the middle of it. I will polish this badge with pride!


  1. What a geek.

    If I were at school with Danielle I would pick on her. ;-)

  2. What a geek.

    If I were at school with Danielle I would pick on her. ;-)

  3. Way to go Danielle. But you didn't take after your mum's, you know, the, er, um, bossiness. Or did you?

    Oh my, those poor fellow students.

  4. Way to go Danielle. But you didn't take after your mum's, you know, the, er, um, bossiness. Or did you?

    Oh my, those poor fellow students.

  5. Chris this is Dan... I am not a geek actually, I applied to be a prefect for the flexi time not cos I'm a geek!

  6. Chris this is Dan... I am not a geek actually, I applied to be a prefect for the flexi time not cos I'm a geek!


Beautiful New life