Sunday, 21 May 2006

Brown Trousers

Don't start reading this with glee thinking it's going to be about a scarey moment!!! Because it's not, it's actually about brown trousers. I have purchased a rather lovely 3/4 length cream suede coat, and REALLY NEED some chocolate brown trousers to go with it - I know I should already have some - but the ones I have are a bit old and have seen better days.

My Mum is here for the weekend and yesterday we went into Kingston shopping. Primarily to have a nice time - but also to find and buy BT. I don't know if you're like me - but when I want / need something specific I can never find it and yesterday was no exception. I dislike browsing through shops for the sake of it, but my Mum loves it. It was busy and hot in the shops and no fun at all. I was getting close to hissy-fit status!!! Mum wanders off aimlssly and I stride through Per Una like a woman on a military mission. I kept losing her, and at one point it got to the stage where I was about to ask the manager to put out a tannoy "Could the 67 year old 5 foot tall woman who answers to Penny please come to the customer services desk where your exasperated daughter is waiting for you?" But then we went to Gourmet Burger Kitchen for lunch and after a blue cheese burger, harmony was restored. I never did find the brown trousers. (Couldn't find any decent shoes either..grrrrrrrr!) Did, however buy a nice little handbag from John Lewis (Good old John Lewis!)

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