Sunday, 28 May 2006

Naughty Naughty Naughty Horses

Dan is away in Spain for a week, and that means that I have to look after both neddies. This involves turning them out to the field in the morning. They are both a bit keen (!) and energetic, and they haven't been out for 4 days (if you don't know what this means...think 2 tons of huge muscle - ready to explode, being led on the end of a flimsy rope by little (5'2" 7 stone weakling) old me.

I knew it wasn't going to be easy and have been not looking forward to it for about 2 hours since I woke up.

I had all angles covered though, and was going to put them in their bridles ...more control, more brakes. It didn't go according to plan.

I took Phoebe first - and she just went off on one as soon as she realised that she was going to the field. She was leaping about, and threatening to rear up.....NOT GOOD!!! Cue me whimpering and begging for help, luckily one of the nice ladies on our yard who has years of experience with naughty horses took her from me and managed - after a few arguments - to get her to behave. Then I went to fetch Bugsy - by now I was desperate for a large Gin & Tonic. He was even worse than Phoebe and it took two ladies (both braver than me) to control him.

I have to do his every day for a week - anyone know the phone number for Monty Roberts? or failing that, the phone number for that nice man from Pedigree Chum?


  1. Sell them to a French restaurant!!!

    I love horse. Tastes like chicken. :-)

  2. Sell them to a French restaurant!!!

    I love horse. Tastes like chicken. :-)


Beautiful New life