Sunday, 27 January 2008

Hurry Up New Briddon Baby

My Good friends Christian and Victoria (link to their blogs on the right hand side of this page) are in the process right now of giving birth to their second baby. I say that they both are - and that's because Christian will be with Victoria with every contraction and pain and feeling it just as much as she is. He loves her with all his heart you see. They are a lovely lovely couple and very much in love, and their little girl Alice is a joy to them both (and everyone else). I've know Christian since he was 19 ( many many years - too many to count), and he has pride of place on my best friends ever list. Their new baby will be a fabulous addition to their already great little family. Good Luck you two, and I'm with you in spirit!!! I'll post the result (Girl or Boy) as soon as I know.

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Beautiful New life