Sunday, 11 March 2007

A busy middle aged weekend.

If you read Christian's blog you'll see that he's been busy cutting down trees this weekend. I have to say that I've gone one better than that on the scale of "Things that middle aged people do in their spare time". I have bought and put up coving, bought polyfilla and filled cracks, and started with the painting. Magnolia for the ceiling, white for the coving, and a rather dashing deep purple for the kitchen window wall. I haven't chosen the paint for the other walls yet - but it will be a sort of stone colour. Then I'll be making curtains with my new sewing machine that I bought from John Lewis last week.

Whatsmore, for the first time in my life ever I have actually washed the paint brushes and rollers out and dried them, instead of just chucking them straight into the bin when I finished.

I think I'm turning into my Dad!


  1. I am NOT middle aged!!! 37 does not count as middle aged these days.

    I had to chop down the tree as it was dangerous and could have crushed more fencing. I also did it myself to save a few bob which I could later spend on beer, drugs, and spoilers and exhausts for my Vauxhall Nova SRi.

  2. I am NOT middle aged!!! 37 does not count as middle aged these days.

    I had to chop down the tree as it was dangerous and could have crushed more fencing. I also did it myself to save a few bob which I could later spend on beer, drugs, and spoilers and exhausts for my Vauxhall Nova SRi.


Beautiful New life