Saturday, 22 April 2006

Phoebe is better!!!

My beloved Phoebe (best horse of all time) has been lame for the past 2 weeks with an inflamed tendon. Then the Blacksmith shod her and she got a condition called nail-bind (which basically means that the blacksmith got too close to the sensitive part of her hoof with the nails - ouch)...anyway I'm pleased to report that she's all better now and this afternoon I rode her in the outdoor school for twenty minutes and she was (as always) as good as gold!!! It honestly makes all the early mornings and long hours worthwhile when I ride her - as she's always so co-operative and well behaved. Extra apples and carrots tomorrow...bless!!!


  1. Damn, I was hoping for a horse-burger.

  2. Damn, I was hoping for a horse-burger.

  3. I'll give you Horse-burger - you just don't like horses because they make you sneeze...atchoo! I'll have you know that horses are amongst God's most noble creatures. They're much nicer to be around than most people!!! and much less complicated!!!

  4. I'll give you Horse-burger - you just don't like horses because they make you sneeze...atchoo! I'll have you know that horses are amongst God's most noble creatures. They're much nicer to be around than most people!!! and much less complicated!!!

  5. Noble? Well yes, some of 'em. Phoebe of course, and all the horses in the RCMP musical ride, and those at the trooping of the colour, and definitely Sam my good, brave, quarterhorse - now reduced to a jar of wood glue. But Kerry, the ex-racetrack nightMARE was not. She was mean, and took delight in showing me up (and terrifying me)at shows. She was so gentle in the field or her stall, but put a saddle on her and it was rodeo time.

    Poor thing, she didn't suspect owt as she bolted onto the trailer when I sold her to the riding school. Wonder how many ten-year olds she turned off riding?

    Did I (should I) tell you that Pierre and I recently ate smoked horse meat? It's a Quebec thing. Don't hate me, hate the French.

  6. Noble? Well yes, some of 'em. Phoebe of course, and all the horses in the RCMP musical ride, and those at the trooping of the colour, and definitely Sam my good, brave, quarterhorse - now reduced to a jar of wood glue. But Kerry, the ex-racetrack nightMARE was not. She was mean, and took delight in showing me up (and terrifying me)at shows. She was so gentle in the field or her stall, but put a saddle on her and it was rodeo time.

    Poor thing, she didn't suspect owt as she bolted onto the trailer when I sold her to the riding school. Wonder how many ten-year olds she turned off riding?

    Did I (should I) tell you that Pierre and I recently ate smoked horse meat? It's a Quebec thing. Don't hate me, hate the French.


Beautiful New life