Tuesday, 24 February 2015

La Trix

Well...here I am. I've been out this evening - out for tea with a very special friend. My best friend in fact. She mentioned my blog and said that she still looks to see if I've written anything. My friend doesn't live here any more...she lives in another country...but she visits home regularly and when she does we see each other and - like all great friendships - it's like I only saw her a few days ago. I love her....my friend...an awful lot. We've been friends for over 20 years and she's the one who has been there for me time and time and time and time again. She has comforted me when I've been hurting and laughed with me when I've been happy. She cheers me on from the sidelines (always) and loves me unconditionally. And I love her that way too. She knows all my secrets and she 'gets' me every single time. She's got my back, and she takes care of me. She's part of my family and I'm part of hers.
There is nothing I could do that would shock her or cause her to turn away from me...and likewise...there's nothing she could do that would cause me to turn away from her. I have other friends, and I'm blessed because they are all very special to me.

But this one friend - she's the very best. She's funny, and smart, and kind, and beautiful inside and out. She gives everything in her heart to those that she loves, and she never stops giving. In all the years I've known her she has never said one unkind thing to me...and I know there must have been times when I've driven her nuts :)

If I was a  drinking girl I would raise my glass to her - but I'm not - so here I am tipping my coffee cup to her instead. Thank you La Trix for being there for me and making my world a much nicer place. I love you - my dearest friend XXX

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Beautiful New life