Sunday, 19 June 2011

Hello :)

Hello, hello, hello...from the land of the sunshine. Summer has arrived here in Malta - and it's hot...really hot. To be honest it's a bit too hot for me - but because I am a veteran of living in the med (2 years in Cyprus when I was 21-23)...I am hoping to get used to it. Now - in other news...the diving is going really well. I love it so much. We get to meet some lovely people and then our work is mainly carried out at the coast - and off we go diving. Lovely! Swimming with the fishes and exploring wrecks...and all that kind of stuff. Waaaaay too cool!

I do miss everyone back home and wish they were all here with me sharing the's not to be :(

I am really hoping to stay until November and complete my instructor exams - but it depends on how my money lasts....keep your fingers crossed..(any donations much appreciated!)

Love to all X

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