Saturday, 29 January 2011

Busy day!

Oh I'm busy today. I was up at 7am and in Tesco for 7.15am. I've got the FB team coming for dinner. Who the heck are they? Well - it's a group of lovely pals who I've only met once before round at Deepak's when we held an X-Factor night. They are friends on Facebook and we make each other laugh all the time with daft comments flying back and forth...especially when there's something choice on the TV. (Oh we know how to spend the winter evenings!).

They are lovely kind, supportive people - and I like them all very much. So tonight they're heading over here to be wined and dined.

I am making Coca-cola barbecue spare ribs (!), with veg.....a lovely Broccoli and Stilton soup to start and the somebody else is bringing the pudding.

I'm also making a cherry cake for one of the husbands who is stuck at home with the kiddies so his wife can come over here to play.

It's also my lovely God-daughter Amelia's birthday party today - so I'm popping up to her house later with a small gift too.

I'll be knackered by bedime....but It will be fun !

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