Sunday 3 September 2006

Dan and Bugsy at Longreach Cross Country

Warming up
Originally uploaded by Tracy Wood2006.

Today Dan and Bugsy and the groom (that's me) went to Longreach Cross Country competition. It was a lovely day, warm but very windy..and we had nice sandwiches!!!

Unfortunately they had a couple of refusals so didn't win - but then they went around the course a second time (non-competitive) and of course...when their scores didn't count they did it in the fastest time with no faults...typical!!!

Still they both enjoyed themselves and Bugsy had Polo mints!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Sweet pic. Nice upper body position (coming down an incline). Lower leg could be 2" further forward. Soz. I am and always will be a dressage judge.


Beautiful New life