Sunday, 23 July 2006

Skip Fun

Things have been a bit quiet recently. Last week I went to Sheffield for a week to sort out our house up there and have big clear out - very cathartic and therapeutic!!! I hired a skip and cleared out two garden sheds....three wardrobes and numerous drawers and cupboards. I worked on the premise that if I hadn't needed something for the last 7 months, then I really don't need it and so threw it out (apart from the Christmas tree of course!).

My Skip was 3/4 full after about 3 days. One morning I was standing at the living room window and saw a man stop at my skip, and start rooting through it!!! Is going through somebody else's skip in broad daylight acceptable, or not? I really wasn't clear about this. Technically, I suppose you could argue that if you have thrown it out, it's fair game for anyone else...however looking through someone's wheely bin wouldn't be okay...would it?

Anyway, this bloke going through MY RUBBISH annoyed I popped outside to have a word!!! My way of thinking was that the skip was outside my house, filled with my rubbish, and I could change my mind about something at any time and decide to rescue it.

I asked him what he was doing, and he said "going through this skip". I said "well, don''s my skip, and it's still my rubbish, so please leave it alone..." The man looked extremely embarrassed, and slightly puzzled, but to be fair, he did go away and as far as I know never came back.

I have asked my colleagues at work this week about the moral dilemma, and the social implications of looking through someone's skip when it's outside their house, and we seem to have an equal split of opinions.

What do you think? Does the rubbish in a skip still technically belong to the person who has hired the skip...or....does it belong to anyone who wants whatever's in there?...difficult dilemma... answers on a postcard please?

As for me personally I could never look through someone else's skip, mainly because I'd propably topple into the skip and spend the next 3 days waiting to be rescued!!!


  1. So you come up to Sheffield for a week and don't even pop in for a cup of tea.

    Charming. At least I know where I stand.

    If I ever see you in a skip awaiting rescue I will walk past. :-)

  2. So you come up to Sheffield for a week and don't even pop in for a cup of tea.

    Charming. At least I know where I stand.

    If I ever see you in a skip awaiting rescue I will walk past. :-)

  3. The same thing has happened to me in the past, except I was still in the process of chucking things into it while the bloke was rooting around. It was very embarrssing. He kept finding stuff and saying 'oooh can I have this?' and I would reply 'if you REALLY want!???!'
    I did feel a bit protective over my rubbish but then I figured that the more stuff he took out the more I would be able to fit and without paying for another skip in future.
    The worst thing about hiring a skip is when you wake up in the morning and it is full of someone elses mattresses and old washing machines. That happenned to me as well and I was livid. I had to order another skip at the cost of £70 and made sure I filled it up straight away.
    It's a moral minefield!

  4. The same thing has happened to me in the past, except I was still in the process of chucking things into it while the bloke was rooting around. It was very embarrssing. He kept finding stuff and saying 'oooh can I have this?' and I would reply 'if you REALLY want!???!'
    I did feel a bit protective over my rubbish but then I figured that the more stuff he took out the more I would be able to fit and without paying for another skip in future.
    The worst thing about hiring a skip is when you wake up in the morning and it is full of someone elses mattresses and old washing machines. That happenned to me as well and I was livid. I had to order another skip at the cost of £70 and made sure I filled it up straight away.
    It's a moral minefield!

  5. It's called 'skip diving'. I know an artist who spends ages ferreting around in skips looking for discarded rubbish with which to make something beautiful. But, if you've thrown something in to the skip, are you going to change your mind? Are you going to take it out and put it back in your house?

    I'm an awkward cuss sometimes.


Beautiful New life